Here we saw the polluted area of a paddy field by an plywood company in Perumbavoor, Kerala, India. Behind the company there is a labour camp staying imigrated labours outside Kerala, most of the Assam/Bengal (actually they are frim illegal imiigrants from Bangladesh). Here are staying approximately 150 labours. There is common bath room and toilets. We sare seeing the toilet's septic tank is situated in a paddy field and it is also leaked. It also polluted the water. This type of plywood companies & labour camps are polluting the area around it. The ponds, wells, drinking water etc are polluted. There is agitation against the illegal plywood companies & labour camps by the villagers & the environists. There is an article published about this imigrant labours in Kerala on Kesari weekly's issues of dated 26th May 2013 & 2nd June 2013 by Sudhir Neerattupuram.
See in YouTube also on given below link:
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Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales
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Helpful post. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
മറുപടിഇല്ലാതാക്കൂPlywood Manufacturer in India